Alibi Vigilant | Setup & Post-Installation

Alibi Vigilant Resource Library

Congratulations on your purchase of an Alibi Vigilant Video Surveillance Solution!
The video library below will set you up for success and leverage the features, capabilities, and functionality of your Vigilant system.

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Alibi Vigilant | Mobile App Exporting/Saving Footage

Check out this Alibi Vigilant Mobile app how-to video on everything you need to know about Alibi Vigilant Export/Save features. The export process is the same for both Live View or Playback. Users will need to open their menu and select ‘Live View’ to start. While Live View is in progress, select the Snapshot icon to capture a still image. Users will receive a notification that a snapshot has been taken. To record a live feed, select the Record icon. Users will receive an additional notification that recording has started. To stop recording, simply select the Record icon again. You will receive a notification that the Recording has been saved. To view Pictures and Video, select the menu icon, and click Picture and Video. Select the media you would like to view and select Share to share the video. Users can also save pictures and video to their photo album by selecting the Export icon. Users can also delete excess pictures and video from the Vigilant Mobile App album by selecting the Delete icon.